The University of Southampton

Assignment details

Depending on your assignment group, you will write a blog post on one of the following topics:

Group A: Taylor

Global environmental change and plant function

Group B: Catford

Effects of environmental change on communities and/or ecosystems


Due date: 23 March, 2 pm via Blackboard 


Submission process:  Submit your blog posts as pdfs through Blackboard (link will be made available on 16 March). For details about how to create a pdf of your blog post, see “How to use this blog” page.



Assessment details 


Layout (10% deduction for not conforming)

Word limit: 500 words, plus references

Formatting: no specific format is specified. Format and presentation will be a critical part of your assessment.


Blog Rubric 

Content: interesting, factual and relevant scientific content (the text and display items demonstrate that sufficient relevant background research has been conducted, and the subject matter is understood). [40 marks]

Engagement and organization: an engaging, original title; progression of ideas, built up using successive paragraphs and display items (figures, photos, tables); subheadings may be used. [30 marks]

Writing and presentation style: effective communication with a broad audience, including non-scientists; an engaging, well-developed storyline; text is informative and clearly articulated, and uses appropriate terminology with minimal use of jargon. [20 marks]

Presentation: correct grammar, spelling and punctuation throughout; reference list to Harvard style (maximum of 10 references, not included in word count). [10 marks]