Marking and Moderation

All marks students receive are provisional until they are confirmed by the Examination Board, which typically meets at the end of the Academic Year.
Prior to the exam board meeting, the following will have occurred:

  • A selection of work is internally moderated. This means that another member of the programme team checks a sample of examination scripts for a module, including one piece of work in every marking category. A moderator cannot amend individual grades but, if they have any concerns, they will raise these with the first marker. The concerns will be discussed in the marks adjusted for the whole cohort accordingly. If the moderator feels there is substantial inconsistency in the marking then double marking may be necessary. 4 double marked work, all coursework will be assessed by the first and 2nd marker independently and any discrepancies between markers are then discussed and agreed mark obtained.
  • Second, a selection of work is also externally moderated. An external examiner, from an independent university, inspects a sample of marking categories, and they have the discretion to adjust mark categories up or down.
  • All MSc dissertations are double marked (one of the markers is the dissertation supervisor). Having first mark the work independently, the 2 markers then discuss the work and agree the mark. The 2 mark sheets and the dissertation go to the external examiner. Any cases of disagreement are resolved in a documented way.
    Categories of mark for the dissertation module are : Pass with Distinction, Pass with Merit, Pass or Fail.

Students do not have the right to have their work remarked, even if they receive a mark that they do not expect. The procedures above are considered sufficient to ensure a satisfactory outcome. Students may formally appeal the decision of the Examination Board. Note, however, that disagreement with the academic judgment of the Board is not considered legitimate grounds for appeal.

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