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Witzel (2022) The Mechanisms Underlying Colour Afterimages. bioRxiv, 2022.2009.2022.508985.

Witzel (2022). Chromatic Anchoring of Lightness. PsyArXiv Preprints.

Articles (published or accepted)

* Shared first / last authorship

Drewes, Witzel, & Zhu (2023) Feature-based interaction between masks and target in continuous flash suppression. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 4696.


Simulations with Hyperspectral Images in Karimipour et al (2023)

Karimipour, O’Regan, & Witzel (2023) Sensory representation of surface reflectances: assessments with hyperspectral images. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 40(3), A183-A189.

Automaticity as a necessary, but not sufficient, criterion of perceptual feel in Witzel et al (Adaptive Behavior 2022).

Automaticity as a necessary, but not sufficient, criterion of perceptual feel in Witzel et al (Adaptive Behavior 2022).

Witzel, Lübbert, O’Regan, Hanneton, & Schumann (2022) Can perception be extended to a “feel of north”? Tests of automaticity with the NaviEar. Adaptive Behavior, 0(0), 10597123221130235.


The dominant hue of the banana in Witzel & Dewis (Vis Res 2022).

Witzel & Dewis (2022) Why bananas look yellow: The dominant hue of object colours. Vision Research, 200, 108078.

Toddler colour categories in W et al (2021)

Toddler colour categories in W et al (2021)

Witzel, Flack, Sanchez-Walker, & Franklin (2021). Colour category constancy and the development of colour naming. Vision Research, 187, 41-54.

Siuda-Krzywicka, Witzel, Bartolomeo, & Cohen (2020) Color Naming and Categorization Depend on Distinct Functional Brain Networks. Cerebral Cortex, 31(2), 1106-1115.

Schloss, Witzel, & Lai (2020) Blues don’t bring the blues: challenging conventional notions of color-emotion associations. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 37(5), 813-824.


A “new #TheDress” in Witzel & Toscani (JOSA 2020).

Witzel & Toscani (2020) How to make a #theDress. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision.


Bears in a different light in Rogers et al. (2020)

Rogers, Witzel, Rhodes & Franklin (2020) Color Constancy and Color Term Knowledge are Positively Related in Early Childhood. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,196, 104825.

Koenderink, Van Doorn, Witzel, & Gegenfurtner (2020) Hues of color afterimages, i-perception, 11(1).

Witzel, Maule, & Franklin (2019) Red, yellow, green and blue are not particularly colorful. Journal of Vision, Vol.19, 27. doi:

Siuda-Krzywicka, Witzel, Taga, Cohen, & Bartolomeo, (2019) Color categorization independent of color naming. Cell Reports, 28(10):2471-2479.

Siuda-Krzywicka, Witzel, Taga, Delanoe, Cohen, & Bartolomeo (2019) When Colours split from their Objects: The Disconnection of visual Colours from Colour Names and Colour Concepts. Cognitive Neuropsychology.

Witzel (2019) Variation of saturation across hue affects unique and typical hue choices. i-Perception, 10(5).

Siuda-Krzywicka, Boros, Bartolomeo*, & Witzel* (2019) The biological bases of colour categorisation: from goldfish to the human brain. Cortex, 118, 82-106.

Groyecka*, Witzel*, Butovskaya, & Sorokowski (2019) Similarities in color preferences between women and men: the case of the hunter gatherer Hadza tribe from Tanzania. Perception, 48(5), 428-436.

Kerzel D & Witzel C (2019) The allocation of resources in visual working memory and multiple attentional templates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 45(5), 645-658.


Colour constancy and Colour Induction (Figure 2 in WG 2018)

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2018) Color Perception: Objects, Constancy, and Categories. Annual Review of Vision Science, 4(1), null. doi:10.1146/annurev-vision-091517-034231

Witzel (2018) Misconceptions About Colour Categories. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-42. doi:10.1007/s13164-018-0404-5

Witzel, Olkkonen, & Gegenfurtner (2018) A Bayesian Model of the Memory Colour Effect. iperception, 9(3).

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2018) Are red, yellow, green, and blue perceptual categories? Vision Research, 4(2).

Weiss, Witzel, & Gegenfurtner (2017) Determinants of colour constancy and the blue bias. i-perception, 8(6).

Witzel, O’Regan, & Hansmann-Roth (2017) The dress and individual differences in the perception of surface properties. Vision Research, 141, 76-94.

Hamilton-Fletcher, Witzel, Reby, & Ward (2017) Sound Properties Associated With Equiluminant Colours. Multisensory Research, 30(3-5), 337-362.

Witzel C, Racey C, & O’Regan JK (2017) The most reasonable explanation of “the dress”: Implicit assumptions about illumination. Journal of Vision, 17(2), 1-1. doi:10.1167/17.2.1

Witzel C, Van Alphen C, Godau C, & O’Regan JK (2016) Uncertainty of sensory signal explains variation of colour constancy. Journal of Vision, 16(15), 8.

Witzel C, Olkkonen M, & Gegenfurtner KR (2016) Memory colours affect colour appearance. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39, 51-52.

That's the easy way in Witzel (iPereption 2016).

That’s the easy way in Witzel (iPereption 2016).

Witzel C (2016) An Easy Way to Show Memory Color Effects. i-Perception, 7(5), 1-11.

Witzel C (2016) New Insights Into the Evolution of Color Terms or an Effect of Saturation? i-Perception, 7(5), 1-4.

Huebner GM, Shipworth DT, Gauthier S, Witzel C, Raynham P, & Chan W (2016) Saving energy with light? Experimental studies assessing the impact of colour temperature on thermal comfort. Energy Research & Social Science, 15, 45-57.

Witzel C & Gegenfurtner KR (2016) Categorical perception for red and brown. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 42(4), 540-570.

Witzel C (2015) Commentary “An experimental study of gender and cultural differences in hue preference”. Frontiers in Psychology, 6.

Witzel C & Gegenfurtner KR (2015) Category facilitation with equally discriminable colours. Journal of Vision, 15(8), 1-33.

Witzel C, Cinotti F, & O’Regan JK (2015) What determines the relationship between color naming, unique hues, and sensory singularities: Illuminations, surfaces, or photoreceptors? Journal of Vision, 15(8), 19.

Witzel C, & Franklin A (2014) Do focal colors look particularly “colorful”? Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 31(4), A365-374.

Sorokowski P, Sorokowska A, & Witzel C (2014) Sex differences in color preferences transcend extreme differences in culture and ecology. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21(5), 1195-1201.

He X, Witzel C, Forder L, Clifford A, & Franklin A (2014) Color categories only affect post-perceptual processes when same- and different-category colors are equally discriminable. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 31(4), A322-331.

Maule J, Witzel C, & Franklin A (2014) Getting the gist of multiple hues: metric and categorical effects on ensemble perception of hue. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision, 31(4), A93-A102.

Witzel C, & Gegenfurtner KR (2013) Categorical sensitivity to color differences. Journal of vision, 13(7).

Rothen N, Seth AK, Witzel C, & Ward J (2013) Diagnosing synaesthesia with online colour pickers: maximising sensitivity and specificity. Journal of neuroscience methods, 215(1), 156-160.

Witzel C & Gegenfurtner KR (2011) Is there a lateralized category effect for color? Journal of Vision, 11(12), 16.

Witzel C, Valkova H, Hansen T, & Gegenfurtner KR (2011) Object knowledge modulates colour appearance. i-Perception, 2(1), 13-49.

Olkkonen M, Witzel C, Hansen T, & Gegenfurtner KR (2010) Categorical color constancy for real surfaces. Journal of Vision, 10(9).

Book Chapters

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2023) Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity. In R. Shamey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology (pp. 1-8). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2020) Memory Color. In R. Shamey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology (pp. 1-7). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Witzel (2018) The role of saturation in colour naming and colour appearance. In L. W. MacDonald, Biggam, & Paramei (Eds.), Progress in Colour Studies: Cognition, language and beyond (pp. 41-58). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Witzel & Hansen (2015) Memory effects on colour perception. In AJ Elliot, MD Fairchild, & Franklin A (Eds.), Handbook of color psychology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Witzel, & Gegenfurtner (2015) Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity. In R. Luo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology (pp. 1-7). Berlin: Springer.

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2014) Category effects on colour discrimination. In W Anderson, CP Biggam, CA Hough & CJ Kay (Eds.), Colour Studies: A broad spectrum (pp. 200–211). Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

Witzel & Gegenfurtner (2013) Memory Colour. In R. Luo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology. Heidelberg: Springer.

Witzel (2011) Unterschiede in der Farbwahrnehmung. In A. Groh (Ed.), Was ist Farbe? – Bunte Beiträge aus der Wissenschaft (pp. 39-62). Berlin: Weidler.

Witzel (2011) Farberscheinung und kulturelles Wissen: Der Gedächtnisfarbeffekt für kulturspezifische Objekte. TRANS, 18.