Year One

The first year of your programme will introduce you to criminology and psychology as academic disciplines. You will explore how “social problems” are constructed and how policies are chosen to address them. “Crime” is a key social concern, and theories and methods have been developed over many years to understand the problem. You will be introduced to the several different areas of Psychology and the scientific issues relating to the discipline, and will begin a thorough study of research methods.


These pages will introduce you to:

  • Year One Modules (including important information on signing up to “optional” modules).
  • The Psychology Academic Unit’s Research Participation Scheme in Year One.
  • Information on how to progress to Year Two and your options if you do not meet these criteria.

The marks you achieve in Year One DO NOT contribute towards your final degree classification and grade. However, you must meet the specified standards in order to be able to progress into your second year of study and to attain BPS accreditation. It is important to remember that Year One provides you with an opportunity to develop the knowledge base and skill-set required to complete the degree programme, and to fulfil the academic demands and challenges that you will face in your last two years of study. For these reasons, it is in your own interest to achieve academically in your first year.

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