Important Health and Safety Information

Ensuring student health and safety is a major goal of the University. As a new student you will have received information on Personal Safety and H&S/Fire Safety as part of your ‘Southampton Welcome’. Both new and existing students should also take a look at the following links for further information:

The University statement of Health and Safety Policy Statement and Management System, which defines commitment, governance, responsibilities and management of health and safety is available here:

The Faculty’s Health and Safety Local Arrangements document is available here.


Key Health and Safety Information

Key local Health and Safety arrangements are as follows. If you have any questions relating to any of the following information, please contact a member of the Faculty Health and Safety team, details of which you will find at the end of this section. It is important to remember that you MUST report any Health & Safety concerns or incidents to your Personal Academic Tutor/Project Supervisor.


Action in the event of a fire

If you notice or suspect that there is a fire you should immediately raise the alarm by operating the nearest fire alarm call point (one will be located on the wall as you leave the building). The fire alarm is a continuously ringing bell.


On hearing the alarm you should immediately stop what you are doing and make your way out of the building by following the green emergency exit signs to the nearest exit, shutting doors behind you as you leave. Do not stop or return to collect personal belongings. Do not use lifts unless you have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).


On leaving the building make your way to the assembly point. Ensure any car parks or roads are kept clear for emergency vehicles. Do not re-enter a building until you are told it is safe to do so by the Fire & Rescue Service, the senior Fire Warden or Security staff.


Fire extinguishers are provided in buildings but should only be used by those trained in their use and only if it is safe to do so.

Evacuation alarms are tested weekly. The times of these tests are detailed near main entrances to buildings. When tests take place the bell will ring for no more than a few seconds.

If you have a permanent or temporary mobility impairment that affects your ability to use stairs to exit a building then you should have been notified to Health and Safety personnel in order for a PEEP to be developed. If this has not been done please contact the Health and Safety team using the details overleaf.


Assembly Points

Building 44 (Geography / Psychology): Grassed area in front of University Health Service Building (North end of Physics building).
Other buildings: Check the emergency information that should be displayed on a noticeboard in teaching rooms.

 Maps showing the locations of Building Assembly Points can be found in the Faculty’s Local Health and Safety Arrangements document.

First Aid

In the event of an accident causing injury, the nearest first-aider should be contacted. Their details are displayed on signs in corridors. Alternatively, using an internal phone, contact Security on extension 3311 and they will assist. Following treatment, the incident MUST be reported to your Personal Academic Tutor/Project Supervisor and the Faculty Health and Safety team.


Incident Reporting

If you are involved in an accident or incident, spot a hazardous situation, or are concerned that you are being asked to do something without the necessary information, instruction or training that would ensure your safety, please report this to your Personal Academic Tutor/Project Supervisor and the Faculty Health and Safety team. The circumstances can then be investigated and measures put in place to minimise future risk.

Incidents can be reported online at: 


Induction and Training

New students should have the following expectations with regard to Health and Safety (H&S):

  • To be made aware of local emergency arrangements and H&S contacts on your first day.
  • To receive a local induction before using any laboratory or workshop area. This will identify hazards and make you aware of particular procedures in place to help ensure your safety.
  • Risk assessments and other written arrangements that maintain good H&S in all of your activities will be brought to your attention by your Personal Academic Tutor/Project Supervisor.

Building Access

Most University buildings are open to all from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday, excluding University and Public Holidays. All Undergraduate Students must leave buildings by 6.00pm. Access by ID card may be available to Postgraduate students from 6.00am to 11.00pm, depending on student status. Buildings are clear by 11.00pm and remain so until 6.00am (Closure Period), unless you have particular need. This must be approved by the Head of Psychology.

Out-of-Hours Policy

The Out-of-Hours Policy covers the Closure Period from 11.00pm through to 6.00am the following day. This applies to every day of the year, including weekends and Public Holidays. You must have received approval to work during the Closure Period from your Head of Academic Unit and This MUST be documented using “Out of Hours Authorisation Form” available from the link below:

When you are present in the building you should have access to a completed copy of this form, along with your University ID.

Further Information

More detailed information, forms and links to other sources of advice are available on the FSHMS H&S site.


Health and Safety Contact Information:

Your primary contact for Health and Safety should be your Personal Academic Tutor/Project Supervisor. However, the following contacts may be used, if necessary:



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