The University of Southampton

Experiment – Create / edit / delete

Creating an Experiment

You must first create a Project, this will hold your experiments.

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Add Experiment’ button underneath the name of the project that you want to add experiments to. Once created, your experiments will be listed here and can be further modified. All of the following settings are editable after creation.

Experiment Name The title of the experiment displayed to users.
Description A brief description of the experiment, displayed to users.
Max Number of Credits The maximum number of credits that you are offering for completion of the experiment.
Slot Booking NOT Required Tick this box if you do not need to use the experiment time-slot booking features.

Editing an Experiment

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Edit’ in the row of the experiment you wish to edit. Please see above for a complete description of the fields on this page.

Deleting an Experiment

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Delete’ link in the row of the experiment you wish to delete. This will delete any timeslots under the experiment. This action cannot be undone!

Note: You cannot delete an experiment if there are any participants booked on it.