The University of Southampton

Project – Create / Edit / Delete

Creating a Project

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Add New Project’ button near the top of the screen. The settings are described below, all of these settings are editable after creation.

Project Title (required) The formal project title. You must enter one. When users search for projects this title will get searched upon, therefore make sure you make it relevant and descriptive. Users will also see this title when viewing your project details (and also in listings if you haven’t provide an advert title. Project titles should be 10 words or less.
Project Decription This is optional but it is highly recommended that you write something here, users will see this description and it’s your main way of drawing them in to your experiments! You can use the built-in editor to format your text. Project descriptions should be 200 words or less.
Project Availability Use this drop-down to set whether your project should appear in the listings of available projects. Note that this is a master setting that will affect all experiments under the project.
available – project will show in the sign-up listings while in it’s available time window set in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields.
unavailable – project is hidden from the listings regardless of the specified time window.

Default: Available

Available From (required): Start date that the project should be visible in listings.
Available To (required): The last day that the project should appear in the listings.
Advert Title When entered, this text is displayed in the listings in preference to your project title. It gives you the opportunity to write something less formal for display in the listings. Note that your project title still gets searched upon when a user searches for projects, therefore an advert title does not necessarily need to contain key search terms (but it can do!). Advert titles should be 10 words or less.
Advert Icon Choose from a selection of icons for display next to your project listing.
Send Email Notifications Tick to send an automated email to users when they sign up to any of your experiments under the project.
Signup Email Text The text for the email.


Editing a Project

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Edit’ link underneath the name of the project you wish to edit. This will take you to the Project edit page where you can change your project settings. Please see above for a complete description of the fields on this page.


Deleting a Project

From the Research admin home page ( click the ‘Delete’ link underneath the name of the project you wish to delete. This will delete all experiments and timeslots under the project, and the project itself. This action cannot be undone!

Note: You cannot delete a project if there are any participants booked into time slots of any of the experiments under that project.