Category Archives: working with media

Simulation theory

Games Design & Art theory workshop on simulation

Preparatory reading:

Gonzalo Frasca (2001) ‘Simulation 101: simulation versus representation’.

Andy Cameron (1995) ‘Dissimulations: illusions of interactivity’, Millenium Film Journal no.28

Further reading:

Lister et al (2009) Simulation, in New Media: a critical introduction (2nd ed.), London: Routledge.

Seth Giddings (2013) Simulation, in Mark J.P. Wolf & Bernard Perron (eds) The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies. New York: Routledge.

voodoo methodology



suggested reading:
James Clifford (1981) ‘On ethnographic surrealism’: online here
Seth Giddings (2009) ‘Events and collusions: a glossary for the microethnography of videogames’. Games and Culture 4(2). Online here.
Catherine Russell (1999) Experimental Ethnography: the work of film in the age of video. Durham: Duke University Press.

See the slides below for more references

suggested viewing:
Seth Giddings (2011) ‘Monsters, mini-games, and Mr Happy: a video essay on virtual and actual play’, Audio-Visual: a journal of academic video. Issue 3: online here
Sarah Pink (2014) ‘Doing sensory ethnography’,


Sensory Ethnography Lab, Harvard University
Anne Galloway: Towards fantastic ethnography and speculative design
Digital Ethnography Research Centre (RMIT)