The University of Southampton

Example Risk Assessment Form: Hazards


General Health and Safety Risk Assessment Template (Hazards likely to be encountered in a school pupil campus visit):

Hazards, hazard events, and reasonably foreseeable worst case consequences Inherent risk (no controls) from matrix (mark with X) Controls (measures to reduce risk) Residual risk (with controls) from matrix (mark with X)
Accident en route to university High

· Transport booked through reputable coach company.

· If schools are making their own way to the university they are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of the group.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Participant misses outbound transport High

· School staff to check participants on and off buses.

· School staff to ring parents of any ‘no shows’ to check reason.

Medium Medium
Low x Low X
Participant misses return transport High

· School staff to check visitors back on buses.

· Any remaining participants will be the responsibility of university staff; if necessary a taxi can be ordered.

Medium Medium
Low x Low X
Vandalism of coach company property High

· Clear indication in joining instructions that pupils will be expected to pay for any damage caused.

· A copy of the university insurance policy has been circulated.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Substance abuse or misconduct during journey and time spent at the university High

· All participants to complete and sign the code of conduct; all incidents to be referred to Outreach Office; procedures in place to send a participant home if in breach of code of conduct.

· Teachers will be accompanying participants on the coaches.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Fire/Emergency Procedure High

· Visitors, student helpers e.g. ambassadors and staff will be briefed on emergency procedures including fire alarm at start of event.

· Emergency exits and fire assembly point identified at start of event.

· Register to be taken upon exit.

Medium X Medium
Low Low X
Serious illness on part of participant High

· Participants declare any known medical conditions/allergies on consent forms completed prior to the event taking place and university and school staff informed of these in advance.

· University and school staff made aware of how to seek medical assistance (designated first aiders, emergency numbers).

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Vandalism or damage to university property High

· Clear statement in code of conduct and joining instructions that any damage must be paid for.

· University’s standard procedures in terms of marking property etc.

· A copy of the university insurance policy has been circulated.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Accident en route from one venue to another or participant goes missing en route High

· Groups will be advised to use safest route and pedestrian crossings.

· Keep teams together, brief student helpers on emergency procedures.

· Pupils will be accompanied by university staff, student ambassadors and teaching staff.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X
Incident associated with unauthorised access to restricted areas High

· Warning about access to restricted areas to be included in programme and information on this to be included in briefing at the start of the event.

· Student ambassadors and participants to be made aware of fire procedures and nearest exit. Register to be taken at fire assembly point immediately on exit.

Medium Medium
Low X Low X


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