Research Competence

Candidates must demonstrate:

  1. Competence as an independent researcher in health psychology as evidenced in: research conceptualisation, design, sampling, implementation, data collection, data analysis, the evaluation of methods, the discussion of implications of the data in contributing to the development of new ideas and techniques, and the relationship of data to previously published research.
  2. That they can make informed judgements on complex issues within the field of health psychology research, often in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions effectively.


Evidence to be submitted:

  • (i) A reflexive report of 3000 words (maximum) in the record of completion, summarizing personal and professional development as a health psychologist. Candidates should reflect on the extent to which their experience has allowed them to acquire specified competence in each component and to have their supervisor approve these comments.
  • (ii) A report of a systematic review of literature relevant to health psychology of no more than 6000 words.
  • (iii) A report of a major empirical study which will be a rigorous study of a topic relevant to health psychology, sufficient to qualify for PhD (see university regulations)

Both the systematic review and report of a major empirical study shall be written to a standard acceptable for publication in peer reviewed academic journals relevant to health psychology at the time of submission. This standard shall apply both to the content and presentation of the work. Note that the word limits do not include references, tables or appendices.

Please note that research must be conducted in accordance with the BPS, HCPC, and University of Southampton ethical principles. In addition, it is a requirement that all research has received ethics approval from an appropriate ethics committee. Candidates must provide details of the ethics approval mechanism which they are utilising and a copy of the approval must be included with the evidence submitted for assessment.

3.1 Conduct systematic reviews

Attainment of competence in this unit involves demonstration of the ability to:

3.1a Define topic and search parameters.

3.1b Conduct a search using appropriate databases and sources.

3.1c Summarise findings from the review.


3.1a To define the topic and search parameters the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Conduct preliminary investigations into a research area and assess the extent to which research in the area has been adequately reviewed.
  2. Identify and contact others who share an interest in the research area in order to acquire recent and unpublished studies.
  3. Establish the viability of conducting a systematic review into the research area.
  4. Plan the work involved and cost the work (including any staffing requirements).
  5. Clarify the aims and objectives of the review including the criteria by which studies will be included in the review.
  6. Design a search strategy including electronic databases, publication periods, keywords, journals requiring hand searches and researchers to be contacted directly.


3.1b In order to conduct a search using appropriate databases and sources the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. If appropriate, establish a review group and develop communication and collaboration procedures for review group members.
  2. Develop operational definitions of inclusion criteria and study/methodological categorisation (e.g., the types and strengths of evidence that are acceptable to the review).,
  3. Test search strategies and evaluate their sensitivity and specificity (e.g., in relation to sub-set of previously reviewed studies).
  4. Search for, identify and review relevant studies.
  5. Tabulate the characteristics of each study and assess each for methodological quality.


3.1c In order to summarise findings from the review the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Select appropriate methods for combining data.
  2. Analyse results of eligible studies.
  3. Assemble the most complete dataset feasible and, if appropriate, discuss with review group members.
  4. If appropriate and possible:
  • Set up a specialised database to input eligible studies.
  • Use statistical synthesis of data (meta-analysis).
  • Perform sensitivity analysis.
  1. Present results in the most appropriate format for recipient audiences.
  2. Prepare a structured report of the review which:
  • States the aims and objectives.
  • Describes materials and methods.
  • Reports results.
  1. Publicise and disseminate results in appropriate publications.


3.2 Design and conduct psychological research

Attainment of competence in this unit involves demonstration of the ability to:

  • 3.2a Identify theoretical models and research findings relevant to proposed research questions.
  • 3.2b Define the resources and constraints relevant to the conduct of the research.
  • 3.2c Conduct preliminary investigations of existing models and methods.
  • 3.2d Collect data as specified by research protocols.


3.2a In order to identify theoretical models and research findings relevant to proposed research questions the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Search existing literature for theories, models and findings relevant to the developing research question.
  2. Identify, describe and evaluate the links between existing theories and models and findings and the proposed research.
  3. Specify research questions or hypotheses and select an appropriate research method to answer the defined question(s).


3.2b In order to define resources and constraints relevant to the conduct of the research the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Define and describe the scope of the research in relation to sampling, statistical power, generalisability and theoretical relevance.
  2. Define research populations and specify sampling frames and procedures that will ensure the collection of valid and reliable data.
  3. Evaluate the suitability of existing measures, techniques and models to the research question and identify constraints imposed by proposed research designs and available measures.
  4. Identify resources and constraints that are likely to affect the design and execution of the research.
  5. Describe and agree the roles and responsibilities of individuals who will conduct the research.
  6. Check confidentiality and ethical considerations with relevant others and plan applications for ethical approval.
  7. Check other permissions e.g., NHS Research & Development.


3.2c In order to conduct preliminary investigations of existing models and methods the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Undertake pilot studies capable of assessing the appropriateness and effectiveness of existing models, measures and techniques.
  2. Review and evaluate the outcomes of the preliminary investigations in discussion with relevant others, where necessary.
  3. Revise and finalise research questions and methods on the basis of pilot data.


3.2d In order to collect data specified by research protocols the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Implement data collection methods outlined in research protocols working within appropriate safety and ethical constraints.
  2. Initiate monitoring systems, such as procedures for monitoring the quality of data collection as specified within research protocols.
  3. Maintain data recording systems according to agreed formats and procedures specified in research protocols.
  4. Review research protocols according to a pre-specified plan and, if appropriate, implement modifications to data collection procedures.
  5. Identify and implement procedures to ensure the accuracy of recorded data.
  6. Archive and store data in a manner which would allow other researchers to undertake appropriate analyses.
  7. Demonstrate expertise in a range of data collection approaches regularly employed in health psychology.


3.3 Analyse and evaluate psychological research data

Attainment of competence in this unit involves demonstration of the ability to:

  • 3.3a Analyse data as specified by research protocols.
  • 3.3b Interpret the results of data analysis.
  • 3.3c Evaluate research findings and make recommendations based on research findings.
  • 3.3d Write up and report research methods and findings.
  • 3.3e Review the research process.
  • 3.3f Review and evaluate relationships between current issues in psychological theory and practice.


3.3a In order to analyse data as specified by research protocols the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Seek comment from relevant qualified others on the appropriateness of planned analysis.
  2. Accurately use the analytical methods specified in research designs.
  3. Where appropriate screen data and take actions to render data suitable for the chosen analysis or for an alternative analysis.
  4. Identify and use techniques to check the accuracy of the output of the analysis.
  5. Make necessary revisions in the analysis in response to feedback.
  6. Demonstrate expertise in a range of both quantitative and qualitative data analysis procedures regularly employed in health psychology.


3.3b In order to interpret the results of data analysis the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Follow accepted interpretative techniques and interpret data within relevant theoretical frameworks.
  2. Link interpretations to data analysis techniques in a comprehensible manner appropriate to the recipient audience.
  3. Link interpretations to previous research findings


3.3c In order to evaluate research findings and make recommendations based on research findings the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Consider the generalisability of conclusions drawn from research in relation to the limits of sampling, measurement, data collection and analysis.
  2. Consider the relevance of particular findings to specified populations or settings for which they could potentially have relevance.
  3. Consider the effects of resource limitations and established practices on the implementation of research-based recommendations.
  4. Inform relevant others of the results of the research and its implications within an appropriate time frame.
  5. Develop and justify recommendations for practice and future research based on present results and their interpretations.


3.3d In order to write up and report research methods and findings the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Prepare clear and comprehensive reports of research in accepted formats.
  2. Obtain feedback from relevant others and modify reports in light of feedback.
  3. Disseminate reports to relevant researchers and users.
  4. Attribute sources using accepted formats.


3.3e In order to review the research process the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Consider the theoretical importance of completed research.
  2. Evaluate the methodological adequacy of completed research including the operationalisation of theoretical constructs.
  3. Develop and justify recommendations regarding future research based on reported results and their interpretations.


3.3f In order to review and evaluate relationships between current issues in psychological theory and practice the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Monitor current research and developments continually, to establish when and whether they might impact on current psychological theories and practices.
  2. Discuss the potential impact of current research and developments with relevant others, including healthcare professionals and policy makers.
  3. Inform relevant others when new research or developments may or will affect current psychological practices.


3.4 Initiate, develop and evaluate the impact of psychological research

Attainment of competence in this unit involves demonstration of the ability to:

  • 3.4a Monitor and evaluate studies in relation to agreed protocols.
  • 3.4b Clarify and evaluate the implications of research outcomes for practice and organisational function.


3.4a In order to monitor and evaluate studies in relation to agreed protocols the competent health psychologist will be able to:

  1. Monitor and evaluate progress in relation to the proposed objectives, methods and schedule of activities on a regular basis.
  2. Negotiate, document and make any required modifications to the research protocol.
  3. Inform relevant others of the progress of the research and its implications for future research and practice.


3.4b Clarify and evaluate the implications of research outcomes for practice:

  1. Assess the extent to which research findings question or extend existing psychological models.
  2. Assess the applicability of new findings to particular areas of health psychology practice.
  3. Seek comment from relevant others on new findings and their potential implications for practice.
  4. Justify developments in health psychology practice in relation to relevant and valid research findings.
  5. Present interpretations of research findings clearly and in a comprehensible and appropriate format for particular audiences.
  6. Discuss the utility of new practices suggested by research with relevant others.
  7. Demonstrate new research-based practices to relevant others illustrating their worth and potential impact.

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