The University of Southampton

Creating a skills list and enroling students

Creating your skill group

To create a skills list follow the steps below:

  1. Click the ‘My Skills’ link in the main menu
  2. Click the ‘Create new skill group’ button and give your skill group a name (e.g. IT skills) and click ‘Create skill group’
  3. Click the skill group you have just created and you can now give them an optional description. This is shown to students so can be as descriptive as you like.
  4. Now pick your skill list options
    1. Rating Scale Type.
      This determines how students view the ‘self rate’ scale. Either a drop down (typical for text based scales) or radio buttons (typical for numbers)
    2. Rating Theme
      This determines HOW the information about each skill is presented to students. If you are unsure stick with the default option
  5. Now add your rating scale by clicking  the ‘Rating Scale’ tab
  6. Click the ‘Add new rating option’ and enter some text e.g. 1 (if using numbers) or ‘Not competent’ as an example if using text
  7. Click the ‘Create new rating option’ to add to your scale.
  8. Continue adding options until you are happy, then return to the skill group tab and click the ‘Update Skill Group’ button to save your information

Adding individual skills to your skill group

  1. From the skills and competencies admin page click the ”View / edit’ skills link for the appropriate competency
  2. Each skill must be in a category so click the ‘Create a new skill category’ and a name e.g. ‘Word processing skills’
  3. Now click on ‘Add a skill to this group’ and fill out the individual skill information. Options are as follows:
    1. Skill Name
    2. Description in Lay Terms
    3. General Competencies
    4. Specific Competencies
    5. When can you expect to achieve this
    6. Opportunities to achieve competence
    7. Evidence required

      For the majority of skills you probably only need to fill out the Skill Name, Description in Lay Terms and Evidence required. All information apart from skill name is optional and is not shown to students unless that option has content.

  4. Continue adding new categories and skills until complete

Adding students to this skill set

Finally, we need to add students to this set of skills so they will be able to start using the tool. To do this:

  1. Go to the ‘My skills’ page
  2. Click on ‘View / edit students’ for the appopriate skill set
  3. Click ‘Add a student’ and either add an individual student by using the search box OR upload a CSV file containing one column of student usernames

Please note staff CAN be added to a skill set, but will not appear in the student list. They will however be able to view the skills set by going to

You can use this to add yourself to the skill set to see what it looks like for a student.