Game Changers: AI and animals

Guest talk to first year Game Design and Art students on the Game Changers module. Set research question and suggested reading below.

Research Question:
What features of videogames might shape the future of AI or robotics? Explore this question through the analysis of a particular game mechanic or type of game character.

Suggested reading:
Giddings, Seth (2020) ‘The achievement of animals: an ethology of artificial intelligence in videogames’, in Marcus Spöhrer & Harald Waldrich (eds) Einspielungen: processes and situations of digital games Springer, pp.115-140. Online version here.
Johnson, Robin (2014) ‘Artificial Intelligence’, in Mark J.P. Wolf (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Video Game Studies New York: Routledge, pp. 10-18
Moss, Richard (2016) ‘7 examples of game AI that every developer should study’
Sandry, Eleanor (2015) Robots and Communication Palgrave Macmillan
Thompson, Tommy (2020) ‘Exploring the AI of Command and Conquer‘, Gamasutra
Togelius, Julian (2019) Playing Smart: on games, intelligence, and artificial intelligence Cambridge MA: MIT Press
Wanick, Vanissa (2017) ‘The era of AI design and what it means after all’