The University of Southampton

Q. How do I set up my research so people can sign up and take part?

Firstly you must fill out your research profile, you must do this before you can access any of the research area.

There are 3 steps to setting up your research so that others can sign up and take part, these are outlined below:

1. Create a project
2. Create experiments
3. Create time slots

Taking these in turn:

1. Create a project

A project is the first thing you need to create, it will hold the different experiments that you want to run that make up the project. When users look for projects to participate in, the first thing they see is your project title (or advert title if you’ve entered one), if they’re interested then they’ll click on your project to view what specific experiments you’re conducting. It’s the experiments within the project that users sign up to.

Project settings allow you to control things like visibility in the listings, participant requirements, and who can administrate the experiemnts.

You’re basically advertising your project, so for the best visibility you should provide an advert title as well as the project name, and make them different. Both are searched upon when a user looks for projects.

More info: Reference Guide – Creating a Project

2. Create experiments

You need to create at least one experiment. Each experiment can have its own title, description, and number of credits. Once created you can then create time slots for each experiment.

More info: Reference Guide – Creating an Experiment

3. Create time slots

Time slots are in the end what the user signs up to. When a user chooses one of your experiments to sign up to, they see a list of all the available up-and-coming time slots that you are running, they will need to choose one of these and book their place on it. You can create as many time slots as you need for each experiment, just remember that once someone has signed up to a slot, then you cannot remove it and are committed!

More info: Reference Guide – Creating Experiment Time Slots