Skills & Competencies Tool

Your skills lists can be found here:

Each set of skills (e.g.”BM5 Year 1 2015-16″) is a series of tasks that you must complete and/or demonstrate competence in. Each skill or task will require different evidence, this may include:

a) A simple description of what you did, along with any additional relevant information
b) A reflective journal entry as evidence of completion or deeper learning
c) A piece of electronic evidence from your ‘Evidence Library’ e.g. a certificate or sign off sheet

By the end of Final Year you are required to demonstrate competency in 33 clinical procedures (32 as mandated by the GMC as well the Faculty requirement of arterial blood gas sampling). All of these require some piece of electronic evidence – typically a sign off sheet.  You should aim to complete 16 of these clinical skills in 4th Year and all  remaining 17 in Final Year. A complete eFolio is a condition of graduation and therefore ensuring all your evidence of competence is in your Evidence Library is essential.

A practical guide to uploading your skills and competencies is available here:

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